
The Epic Swim.

  Epic Swim was my idea while I was still working elsewhere. 21 October 2022 After many years competing in swimming and triathlon, with over 200 open-water races and triathlons under my belt, I suddenly found myself without any challenges. Whenever I feel stuck, I start thinking about doing something new. My mother used to joke that I must have caught her "restless bug," as I can’t seem to sit still. The other company where I worked, based up north, had little interest in the land of Al-Gharb, or perhaps it was just too busy with other things. So, with the idea of creating content and simply exercising, I decided to invite two friends to swim a 5 km route between Barranco Beach and Martinhal Beach. Together, we ended up setting a new milestone for ideas, and by 2024, this event had already held its third edition. Sjoerd D., André C., and I left home that morning knowing there was a hurricane or storm warning (Bernard) approaching, with SW waves between 4 to 6 metres and inter...

Epic Swim ( português)

O Epic Swim foi uma ideia minha quando ainda trabalhava num outro local.   21 de Outubro de 2022 Depois de muitos anos a competir em natação e em triatlo, onde fiz mais de 200 partidas de aguas abertas e Triatlos, vi-me assim de repente sem desafios..... e quando me vejo parado, penso em fazer algo. A minha mãe queixava-se de bicho  carpinteiro que me devia ter contagiado e que não me deixava nem deixa estar quieto. A outra empresa onde exerci funções,  sediada a norte daqui tinha pouco interesse na terra do Al-Gharb,  ou então estava muito atarefada com outras coisas. Então com a ideia de criar conteúdo e de apenas fazer exercício decido convidar dois amigos a fazer uma tirada de 5 km entre a praia do Barranco e a praia do Martinhal . Juntos íamos definir um novo marco de ideias que em 2024, já fez a sua terceira edição.  O Sjoerd D. o André C.  e eu saímos de casa nessa manhã a saber que tínhamos um alerta de furacão ou de tempestade (Bernard) a entrar co...

Why Algarve, why Portugal

  The Algarve: A Perfect Destination  (Al-Gharb – Arabic for "The Land to the West") The Algarve is the ideal location because it is accessible to all of Europe, has connections worldwide, and its people welcome tourists with warmth and high-quality service. The excellence of the Algarve lies in its clean waters with outstanding bacteriological quality. We have no dangerous marine animals, the temperatures are mild, and the Algarve is one of the safest destinations in the world in terms of crime. Open water swimming is excellent, as our coasts are calm, with little wave activity. We can predict the weather with great accuracy, as our bays are sheltered from the Atlantic while maintaining their rich marine biodiversity. The Algarve also boasts exceptional gastronomy, distinct from the rest of Portugal, featuring premium ingredients such as fresh fish and vegetables. Our culinary culture is based on olive oil and healthy, flavourful Mediterranean habits. As you arrive in the Al...

Porquê Portugal ? Porquê O Algarve?

O  Algarve.(Al- Gharb - em Arabe que significa - "A  terra a Oeste")  O Algarve é o melhor local pois está acessível a toda a Europa, tem ligações para todo o mundo, e as pessoas cá sabem receber os turistas com carinho e com qualidade. A Excelência do Algarve prende-se com as aguas limpas e com qualidade bacteriológica excelente. Não temos animais marinhos perigosos , as temperaturas são amenas e o Algarve é um destino seguro (dos mais seguros no mundo ) a nível de criminalidade. A natação de aguas abertas é excelente, pois as nossas costas são calmas, com pouca ondulação e eu sabemos prever o mar tempo com muita certeza, pois as nossas baías protegem do Atlântico, mas mantêm as suas qualidades e quantidades na vida marinha.  O Algarve tem ainda uma gastronomia excelente, diferente do resto de Portugal e onde se destacam ingredientes premium  com a frescura dos peixes e legumes na primeira linha.  A nossa cultura alimentar assenta no azeite e nos seus hábi...

How should you know if its safe to go?

How to Read a Beach When approaching a beach, the most important thing is to remain calm and observe before entering. There’s always something to learn about how the weather will change, the direction of the tide (if it is moving), and, above all, how the waves are breaking along the coast and how the excess water flows back out to sea in rip currents. Whenever I arrive at a new location, I always feel a sensation in my stomach—a mix of excitement and nervousness. This is completely normal, and even after many years, I still experience the same feeling. Here, I’ll outline step-by-step how to analyse coastal or beach waters effectively. What Causes Disturbance in the Sea or Watercourses In open water, especially at sea, various factors affect navigation, visibility, and consequently safety. It’s essential to consider that waves are generated by wind, either locally or from distant sources. Water movement may also result from tides, rivers, ocean currents, or even passing vessels. The Ba...

Como ler o MAR? how to read THE SEA? parte 1 - Meteo reading

Scroll down for English  Mas para já---- em Português. Para ler uma praia , o mais importante é antes de entrar , ter calma, e observar . há sempre algo que nos ensina como vai mudar o tempo, para onde a maré corre (se corre) e acima de tudo, saber como as ondas entram na costa , e como a agua excedente corre para o mar na corrente de saída. Sempre que chego a um local novo , tenho aquela sensação na barriga, uma emoção e um sentimento de estar nervoso. Isto é tudo normal e ao fim de muitos anos , ainda sinto o mesmo. Vou deixar aqui , passo a passo o que fazer para organizar uma leitura de agua de costa ou de praia.  O que gera a agitação do mar ou de um curso de agua . Nas aguas abertas e no mar em especial, temos várias coisas a afetar a navegação ou a visibilidade e por consequência segurança.  Temos de considerar ainda que as ondas são geradas por vento , ora perto ora longe, mas que a movimentação da agua, pode ser criada por marés, rios , correntes marinhas ou emba...

The Start

 Hello everyone, The Adamastor Swim Adventures Blog will be in Portuguese and then translated into English. This approach helps reduce spelling errors and makes it easier for me to express myself. Here it goes... The imposing cliffs of the Algarve have always been my natural playground. I grew up among its rugged edges and the blue sea, accompanying my father on his recreational fishing trips. He was the one who taught me to love and respect the ocean, sharing valuable knowledge about tides, winds, and the secrets of the Portuguese coast. Swimming became my passion early on. The Atlantic waters were my training ground, where I honed my techniques and developed a deep connection with the marine environment. Spearfishing added a new dimension to this relationship, teaching me about underwater life and, above all, the importance of safety. There were times when I underestimated the power of the sea and faced challenging situations, which reinforced the need to carefully plan every out...